sport intelligence

sport intelligence

Using data to make informed, evidence-based decisions


Identifying and collecting the right data based on the need of the sport/athlete


Ensuring secured and reliable storage of information that can be accessed by members of the integrated support team


Evaluating data using analytical and logical reasoning to examine each component of the data


Describing and illustrating the data  


communicating the information to coaches and athletes to support the decision making process


On colleting data for Ted Jan Bloemen in the lead up to the 2018 PyeongChang Olympic Games: "The data we collect helped us make decisions to support what is going on with the coach and the athlete in the daily training environment - all the time. The coach and the athlete talk before training, during training, after training. The testing and the monitoring  we do really help us build on that and confirm or guide our decision making." Bart Schouten, National Speed Skating Coach

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